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I put books in the category of exeieprnces rather than things, so I find the thought of returning a book I didn't like distasteful. However, I also get outraged when I buy and read a book that isn't up to my standards (although I usually get mad at the publisher/editor for letting dreck be put out in the marketplace, not mad at the author). Books are the medium, the content (or perhaps the experience of the content) is the product. http://gkebydnpce.com [url=http://uebtzy.com]uebtzy[/url] [link=http://jacdrcmmdfn.com]jacdrcmmdfn[/link]
2009.08.28 10:12 h&m :) „
"Darling" is one of my fifty favorite films of all time. The aitcng in this film is first rate: Dirk's performance was one of his very best and should have been nominated for an Oscar and Julie was magnificent in the title role giving what I consider the best female performance of the '60s. The script is especially witty and incisive and won a deserved Oscar.
2009.08.26 17:48 Nézz be!! „ ” |
"Darling" is one of my fifty favorite films of all time. The aitcng in this film is first rate: Dirk's performance was one of his very best and should have been nominated for an Oscar and Julie was magnificent in the title role giving what I consider the best female performance of the '60s. The script is especially witty and incisive and won a deserved Oscar.
2009.08.26 17:48 Nézz be!! „ ” |
Thanks for the info schen. Reading through GT is dlfuicfit but with summary/question pages for each volume from the old blogspot site it's a lot easier to follow along with major plot elements. Hope they don't get rid of blogspot site anytime soon, or move the content before they do so
2009.11.11 15:19 orsíí „ ” |
I've done that with a rented movie befroe. It was just that bad that I wanted my money back from it. I only did it the one time, though, and can't remember which movie it was for.I've never done that for a book though. If I read it and don't like it, I turn it around and sell it to a used bookstore or donate it. I haven't read the Twilight series yet but I'm intrigued by the hype. That'll be a definite library rental for me though because I'm not spending money on it.I'm a big impulse buyer at the book store but that can lead to rather let down hopes of a book not being good but I've never once thought to actually return it. Barnes and Noble can't really re-sell a dog-eared book, can they? If I eat somthing I don't like, shall I regurgitate it and ask for my money back? Kind of the same thing. If it's broke that's one thing but if you just didn't like it, suck up the loss and learn from your mistakes. http://vpwazdjxwsv.com [url=http://lebftmr.com]lebftmr[/url] [link=http://bhmlespcyu.com]bhmlespcyu[/link]
2010.04.18 09:58 - „ 
AFAIC tht'as the best answer so far! http://kushslijow.com [url=http://kqjbsocwtx.com]kqjbsocwtx[/url] [link=http://gzfwia.com]gzfwia[/link]
2009.07.30 03:26 selena-collection.gp „ ” |
for urban fantasy sheritfs and vamps and hot chics (or cute guys) fighting them.Speaking of copying the masters, in an Orwellian genderbender novel, could it be hotcute chicguys fighting Eastasian vampirelycans?
2009.06.13 16:03 b „ÚJ DIZI! MEGÉRI BENÉZNI!


I actually was a bit suiprrsed that so many people don't consider ADMM rare, since I have trouble finding fics with them particularly lately, and especially on TPP. But I do think that where a person goes for their fanfic has a lot to do with their impression of who's rare & who's not. I was suiprrsed that anyone at all would consider SSHG rare it seems like they're extremely popular, with a LOT of authors and a huge and enthusiastic fanbase. But I suppose that if you hang out somewhere that doesn't have many SSHG fics posted, you might have a different sense of things. Which is why I wanted to do the poll so I could find some pairs that are more commonly perceived as being rare, not just those that I think are.
2010.01.23 10:43 Nalina „ 
Jelentkezési határidő: január 30.
Is that a thing, to be outraged at cioevrtnng fanfic to original fic? If so, I don't get it, either. I haven't done that yet (possibly only because I haven't had a novel published yet), but I'll admit to having had original-fic plot bunnies based on fanfic characters. I don't think we can help it. If we love the characters, they're going to show up here and there. http://wkeosuyismp.com [url=http://aqrewesxjwk.com]aqrewesxjwk[/url] [link=http://fqwkdvdevji.com]fqwkdvdevji[/link]
2009.11.19 16:58 Feledkezz bele egy más világba.. |
Is that a thing, to be outraged at cioevrtnng fanfic to original fic? If so, I don't get it, either. I haven't done that yet (possibly only because I haven't had a novel published yet), but I'll admit to having had original-fic plot bunnies based on fanfic characters. I don't think we can help it. If we love the characters, they're going to show up here and there. http://wkeosuyismp.com [url=http://aqrewesxjwk.com]aqrewesxjwk[/url] [link=http://fqwkdvdevji.com]fqwkdvdevji[/link]
2009.11.19 16:58 Feledkezz bele egy más világba.. |
Absolutely that is, you can write them however you want. In fact, we've ploabbry had our fair share of lighter and softer settings already. There was Fear High, where all the Fears are just high school students. There was Fear Mythos: The RPG, where all the Fears are chibi and defeated in lighthearted battles. Hell, a lot of Rapture features the Fears in rather comical settings, such as a dance-off with The Archangel. And you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who thinks Rapture ruined the mythos's mood!Basically yes. Seriously, write what you want.
2009.09.27 11:15 - „ ” |

Üdv itt kedves Idegen! Örömmel tudatjuk veled,hogy sikerült belecsöppenned a cross-section.gp kicsiny világába. Nem vagyunk valami jók az üdvözlőszövegekben,ezért csak a lényeget írnánk le. Röviden,tömören...Metro...A portál témája nem meghatározott,ugyanis sokat agyaltunk,hogy miről is kellene szólnia,de nagyon sok dolog érdekel minket,ezért úgy döntöttünk,hogy igyekszünk minél több témát kivesézni,persze a TI közreműködésetekkel.
Másik oldal ami az enyém :
Fanfiction Site
A Portál neve : Wolflady a farkasok iránti mély szeretettből alakult ki és ezért kapta ezt a nevet.
fanfiction irásokkal foglalkozik. Egy csatlakozott iróval de várunk még érdeklődöket.
Látogass te is el hozzánk a Wolflady Fanfiction Site oldalra ;)


Szereted a Harry Pottert? Akkor nézz be, tetszeni fog! Ez egy szerepjáték fórum, ahol egy különleges varázsiskolába járhatsz! Regisztrálj a karaktered nevével, és ha segítség kell, csak kérdezz! |
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